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fhs caucus Stands in Solidarity with

Black Lives Matter

June 5, 2020


Dear FHS students,

Today, we would like to address the critical juncture we are witnessing as people and as a society. The deeply disturbing recent incidents of violence and discrimination against the Black community in the United States, Canada and internationally are a reminder of the systemic racism and pervasive anti-Blackness that continues to run through our society. We are cognizant of the historical and current harm, grief, anger, and distress that such instances of police violence and racism cause to members of the Black community.

Our hearts are heavy as we reflect upon the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and in Canada, Regis Paquet-Korchinski, and countless others whose lives have been taken by white supremacy enabled by a violent police-state. We acknowledge the loss of the many individuals before them who have similarly been victims of anti-Black violence. It is a stark reminder of the unrelenting nature of racism and that it is never enough to be complacent in non-racist behaviour, rather it is necessary to be anti-racist at all times. 

While the recent events have occurred in the United States, we must be steadfast in our recognition of the structural flaws in Canadian society that have disproportionately burdened and harmed Black Canadian and Indigenous communities here at home. 

We also recognize the historic prevalence of anti-Black racism in health sciences, and would like to underscore the fact that racism and anti-Blackness are a public health concern.


To our Black colleagues, educators, cohort members and the Black community as a whole:
We stand in allyship and solidarity with you. You are strong and resilient and we will continue to stand with you and support you towards an equitable future. 

To our non-Black colleagues: 

It is our responsibility to educate ourselves on the devastating effects of colonialism, settler-colonialism, imperialism, white supremacy, and capitalism on Black and Indigenous communities. As we stand in solidarity, we must be cognizant of our position and the work that we must do to dismantle white supremacy. It is not the responsibility of Black people to carry the emotional labour of educating non-Black people. 

As the FHS Graduate Caucus, we benefit from the privilege of living and learning on unceded Coast Salish lands, and it is our collective responsibility to speak out publicly against racism and systemic injustice as it affects all people of colour, but especially Black and Indigenous peoples. As part of our commitment to inclusion and collaboration, we must take decisive action to actualize this goal. 

As a Caucus, we commit to:

  1. The provision of resources to support anti-racist principles and practices. 

  2. Exploring options for financially supporting community-led initiatives that help address anti-Black racism.

  3. Continual consultation and meaningful engagement with members of the Black community to actualize these commitments in the coming months. 

We encourage you to think about your role in the current situation. If you would like to help (financially, or otherwise), or to access Black-centered mental health resources, as well as resources for the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) community, please visit to find out more.

In the coming weeks, the FHS Grad Caucus website will be sharing anti-racist learning resources and tools to support ongoing education and praxis. We will notify you as soon as these resources are available and they will remain a permanent feature on our website. 

Additionally, if students are planning on exercising their right to protest, we urge you to be safe and access resources beforehand to be as prepared as possible. This includes wearing gloves, masks and washing your hands frequently. 

If you think there is more that the FHS Grad Caucus can do, please email us your thoughts.

Black Lives Matter. Today. Tomorrow. Always.

In solidarity,

Graduate Caucus


   Black Lives Matter Vancouver (June 5, 2020).  

   Trish Jewison / Twitter.  

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