Simon Fraser University
Graduate Peer Mentorship Program
Being a mentor can be a fun and rewarding way to share your experiences with the next generation of FHS grad students.
What is the Peer Mentorship Program?
The peer mentorship program is a mutual interaction between Mentors and Mentees that provides an avenue for the current cohort to connect with, support and guide 1st year students - MPH, MSC and PHD. It offers a good platform for peer-to-peer support and ensures a smooth transition into the program and city. The program offers an opportunity to connect over common interests and communicate tips and advice with 1styears. It offers a good opportunity to develop transferable skills within and beyond graduate school; provides a safe and comfortable setting for 1st year students to reach out and connect with other like-minded individuals.
By being a Mentee, you can learn from the experiences of others, gain practical advice on the next stage of your career, increase your social and academic confidence and be more empowered to make quality decisions for both personal and academic matters. All of which makes you better positioned for success.
The program offers mentors the opportunity to share insights, knowledge and experiences with fellow graduate students, improve communication and personal skills and develop leadership and management qualities. The peer mentorship program is a volunteer position that can make your resume stand out to potential employers as well as increase your value and confidence as an employee.
Mentor and Mentee Roles and Responsibilities
Mentors are expected to:
Share insights from real-world experience, be a support system and provide recommendations.
Provide guidance not just answers and constructive feedback
Be passionate and enthusiastic about Mentees success.
Mentees should be:
Eager to learn and put to use what has been learnt.
Active listeners, readily available for connection/interaction and willingly reach out for help/advice.
Optimistic and open to feedback.
How long is the commitment for?
The commitment lasts for the academic year with hopes that the connection and networking continue after graduation.
Key Updates
We had a Mentor-Mentee Zoom Hangout on the 8th of October (6-7pm PST). It was a great avenue for 2nd years to meet with 1st years. We had two (2) mentors discuss tips on navigating 1st year of graduate school, we also had the MSC/PHD representative (Amanda Rowlands) share advice for MSc and PHD students. Mentors/Mentees were assigned to breakout rooms where mentors interacted with mentees and addressed questions and concerns from Mentees.
Some of the suggestions/recommendations offered include: Enrolling in Volunteer positions with NGOs; collaborating with fellow colleagues, 2nd-years and Faculty; build connections and social interaction; prompt commencement of the Epidemiology final paper; get engaged and be involved. To add, be aware that there is an opportunity to transition directly into the PHD program. Also, explore Research commons SFU page (https://www.lib.sfu.ca/about/branches-depts/rc) for free courses like statistical programming languages, scientific/article writing, referencing and other workshops for graduate students. Generally, it was a fruitful and rewarding event.
Name: Angel Kennedy
Program: Master of Public Health (MPH)
What made you become a Mentor: I signed up to be a mentor because of the wonderful experience I had last year with my incredible mentor (who continues to be an close friend). It was so comforting having her support and guidance as I navigated my first year of grad school. From that, I wanted to have the opportunity to provide support, answer questions, and check in with individuals in the incoming MPH cohort!
Highlights of the Program so far: I feel incredibly grateful for the friends I have made, how much I have learned, and the opportunities which have come out of my practicum.
Grad Caucus is seeking for entries from mentors and mentees!
Please follow the simple guide below:
What made you become a mentor or why you signed up for the program if you are a mentee.
Highlights of the program so far
Send these along with a profile picture of yourself to fhs_gradcaucus@sfu.ca